- address execution obstruction on〔~への〕
災害に対処する: cope with disaster
執行妨害: execution obstruction on〔~への〕
システム障害に対処する: respond to system failure《コ》
人道被害に対処する: address the humanitarian problems caused by〔~がもたらす〕
大規模災害に対処する: handle large-scale disasters
公務執行妨害: 公務執行妨害 こうむしっこうぼうがい interference with a public servant in the execution of his or her duties
業務執行妨害: interference in the execution of one's duty
公務執行妨害で逮捕する: arrest someone for violating laws against interfering with a government official in the act of duty〔人を〕
行く手を阻む障害に対処する: deal with obstacles in one's path
死に対処する: cope with someone's passing〔人の〕
至急~に対処する: give ~ prompt attention
権利侵害に対して迅速かつ適切に対処する: deal with infringement of rights quickly and appropriately
広範囲にわたる連携強化で災害に対処する: reinforce extensive cooperation to cope with the disaster
いじめに対処する: take action against bullying
すぐさま~に対処する: immediately react to