- lay the foundation for self-sustaining growth based on〔~に〕
新たな成長の基礎を築く: establish a foundation for renewed growth
安定経済成長の基礎を築く: establish a basis for stable economic growth
持続可能な経済成長の基礎を築く: prepare a basis for sustainable economic growth
経済的成功の基礎を築く: lay the foundation for economic success
化学の基礎を築く: lay a cornerstone in the foundations of chemistry
国の基礎を築く: lay the foundations of a country
成功の基礎を築く: lay the foundation of one's success
財産の基礎を築く: lay the foundation of one's fortune
新しい法律の基礎を築く: provide a new legal basis
新政府の基礎を築く: build up the foundation of the new government
基礎を築く 1: lay the base 基礎を築く 2 1. build up a foundation of〔複数形の foundations が使われることもある〕 2. form the basis of 3. lay the foundation (for) 4. lay the groundwork (for) 5. set the grounds for〔~の〕 基礎を築く 3 establ
基礎を築く〔~の〕: 【他動】 found
全世界的にインフレなき持続的成長の基礎を提供する: provide a basis for sustained noninflationary growth worldwide
21世紀の司法制度の基礎を築く: build the foundation for the judicial system of the 21st century
今日の日米関係の基礎を築く: form the basis of today's Japan-U.S. relations