- presence of the U.S. forces based upon〔~に〕
基づく国際秩序の存在: existence of an international order grounded in〔~に〕
沖縄の米軍基地の存在: fact that U.S. bases continue to exist in Okinawa
長年にわたる圧倒的な米軍基地の存在: existence of U.S. bases that have taken up so much land for so long
米軍の軍人: US serviceman
米軍の駐留: stationing of American troops
基づく: 基づく もとづく to be grounded on to be based on to be due to to originate from
米軍のf18戦闘機: US F-18
米軍の検問所: U.S. military checkpoint
不変の存在: ever lasting existence
体の存在感: sensation of physical existence
別個の存在: separate entity
動物の存在: presence of animal
均衡の存在: existence of equilibrium
暗黒の存在: dark presence
有害な~の存在: presence of poisonous