基礎控除: 基礎控除 きそこうじょ basic or standard deduction
基礎控除額: exemption amount
基礎控除後の課税価格: taxation value after basic exemption
控除の順序: sequence of deduction
税控除の: 【形】 tax-deductible
課税控除の: 【形】 tax-deductible
税控除の撤廃: removal of the tax exemption
予算の縮小: shrinkage in the budget
利鞘の縮小: narrowing profit margin
動詞の縮小: verb contraction〔isn't, shouldn't など〕
工業の縮小: disindustrialization
差の縮小: narrow of the gap
市場の縮小: 1. shrinkage of market 2. shrinking of the market
文化の縮小: diminishment of culture
権限の縮小: abridgment of one's powers