基礎控除: 基礎控除 きそこうじょ basic or standard deduction
基礎控除の縮小: cuts in basic exemptions
基礎控除後の課税価格: taxation value after basic exemption
控除額: 控除額 こうじょがく amount deducted (from) deduction (from) abatement
所得控除額: 1. amount deducted from one's income 2. amount of exemption and deduction from income
留保控除額: allowance for undistributed profits
税額控除額: amount of tax credit
給与控除額: deduction from pay
繰越控除額: deduction carried forward
課税控除額: allowances against tax
所得税控除額の損金不参入: noninclusion of income tax credit in deductible expenses
免除額: free allowance
控除: 控除 こうじょ subsidy deduction
基礎: 基礎 きそ foundation basis
控除 1: 1. deduction 2. subtraction 3. write-off 控除 2 drawback from〔~からの〕