- offer a repeat of his keynote performance
基調講演を行う: set the tone for proceedings
基調講演を要請される: be requested to give the keynote speech
基調講演: keynote speech
基調講演者: keynoter / keynote speaker
話を繰り返す: repeat a story
シンポジウムで基調講演をする: make [deliver, give] a keynote speech at a symposium
aとbを繰り返す: alternate between
どじを繰り返す: repeat the blunder
へまを繰り返す: repeat the blunder
ポカを繰り返す: repeat the blunder
上下を繰り返す: repeatedly seesaw
不満を繰り返す: reiterate one's pet peeve about〔~への〕
主張を繰り返す: reiterate one's claim to〔~するという〕
入退院を繰り返す: 1. be hospitalized on and off 2. be repeatedly hospitalized 3. be repeatedly-hospitalized and released 4. come in and out of hospitals
前操作を繰り返す: repeat the last action