- They made me sleep in the kitchen, of all places.
場所もあろうに: of all places
事もあろうに: 1. of all days 2. of all things 3. of all things in the world
人もあろうに: of all people
こともあろうに: 1. of all 2. of all days 3. of all others 4. of all things
4人がかりで大男を担架に寝かせた。: It took four people to lay the big man out on a stretcher.
患者を堅くて平らな所に寝かせる: position the patient on a firm, flat surface
ベッドに寝かせる: put ~ to [in] bed〔人を〕
横向きに寝かせる: turn someone onto the side〔人を〕
~であろうに: 【助動】 would〔推量を表す。must-will-would の順で可能性[確実性]が低くなる〕
うつぶせに寝かせる: lie someone on his front〔人を〕
お皿を台所に運ぶわね…: Let me take the plates to the kitchen...
消火器を台所に備える: keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen
電話を台所に取り付ける: install the phone in the kitchen
―ともあろうものが: ―ともあろうものが of all people [通例挿入的に] 人もあろうに∥ For a policeman, of all people, to drive under the influence of alcohol! 警官ともあろうものが酔っ払い運転をするなんて. ?彼女~そんなことを言うなんて信じられない I can't believe that she says such
よく寝かせた〔ワインが〕: 【形】 mellow