earn an unsavory reputation among foreign investors as being opaque and unfair
芳しくない評判を取る: win notoriety 芳しくない評判: unsavory reputation 外国人投資家: 外国人投資家 がいこくじんとうしか foreign investor 外国人投資家の信頼を高める: boost the confidence of foreign investors 外国人投資家の役割の増大: heightened role of international investors 外国人投資家の積極的な参入: vigorous participation by foreign investors 悪い評判を得る: get a bad character 外国人投資: 1. foreigner's investment 2. investment by foreign investors 3. investment in Japanese securities by foreign investors 芳しくない評価: somewhat bad reputation 最も良い評判を得る: enjoy the highest reputation 外国人投資家に前例のない権利を与える: give unprecedented rights to foreign investors 外国人投資法: Foreign Investment Law 不透明かつ不確実な要素を残す: leave unpredictable and uncertain elements 透明かつ公平な投資規則: transparent and equitable investment rules 非常に危険な場所であるという評判を振り払う: shake one's reputation as a very dangerous place