- hold sway over many administrations by filling important government and party posts
実権を握る 1: 1. grab the true reins of power 2. have real power 3. hold real power 4. seize real power 5. wield the real power 実権を握る 2 take the helm (of)〔~の〕
主要ポスト: important post
政権を握る: 1. assume the helm of state 2. assume the reins of government 3. come in 4. come into power 5. come to power 6. get an oval office 7. get in 8. get in the White House 9. hold the White House〈米〉 10.
会社の実権を握る: rule a company
閣僚のポストを握る: hold a cabinet position
内閣の主要ポスト: key Cabinet posts
単独で政権を握る: have a power monopoly
政権を握る唯一の機会: one and only opportunity to take the nation's helm
選挙に勝って政権を握る: be elected to office
実権を握って: at the helm
ロケットビジネスで主導権を握る: take the initiative in the rocket business
正しい方法で主導権を握る: take the initiative in the right way
連邦議会の上下両院で主導権を握る: win control of both houses of Congress
主要な地位を占めて: in the first [top] flight
多くの人口を占める: 【他動】 populate