政権を握る: 1. assume the helm of state 2. assume the reins of government 3. come in 4. come into power 5. come to power 6. get an oval office 7. get in 8. get in the White House 9. hold the White House〈米〉 10.
単独で政権を握る: have a power monopoly
政権を握って: in office〔政党が〕
政権を握る唯一の機会: one and only opportunity to take the nation's helm
政権を握っている: 1. hold the reins 2. hold the reins of government 3. hold the reins of state 4. stay in office
政権を握るための明確な戦略を持っていない: lack a clear-cut strategy for taking power
選挙に勝つ: 1. win an election 2. win elections
現職の市長が選挙に勝った: The incumbent mayor won the election.
主導権を握る: 主導権を握る しゅどうけんをにぎる to seize the initiative
主権を握る 1: assume sovereignty 主権を握る 2 【自動】 reign
人事権を握る: have the power to shuffle personnel
制海権を握る: 1. have command of the seas 2. secure command of the sea 3. secure mastery of the seas 4. secure the mastery of the sea
制空権を握る: 1. achieve air supremacy 2. gain air supremacy 3. get command of the air 4. secure the mastery of the air
実権を握る 1: 1. grab the true reins of power 2. have real power 3. hold real power 4. seize real power 5. wield the real power 実権を握る 2 take the helm (of)〔~の〕
指導権を握る: seize [take over] the leadership of〔~の〕