- take great pride in announcing that
と公言する: publicly proclaim that〔that以下〕
大きな誇りをもって(that以下)と公言する: take great pride in announcing that
胸を張って: 1. with confidence 2. with one's chest expanding [swelling].〔かっぷく良く見せるため、男らしく見せるため、得意になっているときなどの動作〕 3. with one's head held high
自分が~だと公言する: avow oneself
胸を張って深呼吸する: tilt one's head back and breathe air deeply into one's lungs
胸を張って立つ: rise to one's full height / draw oneself up (to one's full height)
胸を張って見ろ!: Look at him with pride!
神を信仰すると公言する: profess piety
はっきりと公言する: clearly claim
同情していると公言する: avow sympathy
愛煙家であると公言する: profess a love of smoking
胸を張って堂々と歩く: walk tall
胸を張って歩きなさい: 1. Throw back your shoulders and walk straight. 2. Throw out your chest and march.
体を張って~する: 1. do at the risk of (losing) one's life 2. lay one's life on the line to
を公言する: advertise the fact that〔that以下〕