You can study drama when you go to college. So at this point, you have to study hard to get in college.
世界のどこでも、良い学校に入るためには一生懸命勉強しなければならないんだよ。いったん入ったなら、何かを学ぼうとした方がいいよ。: Students all over the world have to study hard to get into good schools. Once you're in, you might as well try and learn something. あら―悪気はないのよ。日本の生徒は大学入試のために本当に一生懸命勉強をしなければならないの。だから、多くの学生はいったん入学したら勉強をやめてしまうのよ。: Oh -- it's nothing personal. I meant that students in Japan have to study really hard for university entrance exams -- so many quit studying once they get in. 試験に受かるために、一生懸命勉強しなければならない: I have to study hard to pass the examination. 両親は彼女を大学に入れるため、一生懸命働いた: Her parents worked their fingers to the bone to put her through college. 一生懸命勉強しなければならない科目: grind 両親の期待に応えるために一生懸命勉強する: study hard to live up to one's parents' expectations ~大学に入る: get into the University of 大学に入る 1 1. be enrolled in college 2. get to college 大学に入る 2 enter a university (at)〔~歳で〕 無駄にした時間を埋め合わせるために一生懸命勉強する: study hard to make up for lost time 遅れを取り戻すために一生懸命勉強する: study hard to make up for lost time 勉強し直すために大学に戻る: go back to college to bone up on〔~を〕 大学に入る 1: 1. be enrolled in college 2. get to college 大学に入る 2 enter a university (at)〔~歳で〕 ~大学に入る get into the University of 君はマイノリテイだから、大学に入るのに有利だよ。: Being a member of a minority, the odds are in your favor to gest into college. うん。一生懸命勉強したら行けると思うんだ。: Yeah. I think I can get in if I study really hard. 一流大学に入るための受験戦争: fight to get into the best universities / race for students to get into prestigious universities いい大学に入る: get into a good university