- achieve the objective of the inspection for disposing weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄: disposing of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄に関する決議: resolution concerning the disposal of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器廃絶を達成する: achieve the elimination of all Weapons of Mass Destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄に取り組む: address the destruction of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の国際査察を拒否する: refuse to accept international inspection of programs suspected of being used to develop weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器廃棄に関する査察: inspections related to the disposal of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の査察と廃棄を求める決議を受諾する: abide by the resolution calling for inspection and elimination of its weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器を廃棄する: 1. dismantle one's weapons of mass destruction 2. dispose one's weapons of mass destruction 3. eliminate weapons of mass destruction 4. give up one's weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の査察を行う: check for weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器を廃棄するという国連決議案を拒否する: defy U.N. resolutions to destroy weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器を廃棄するという国連決議案に従わない: defy U.N. resolutions to destroy weapons of mass destruction
人生の目的を達成する: 1. accomplish [achieve, attain] one's aim in life 2. attain one's object in life
人道上の目的を達成する: achieve one's humanitarian objectives
仕事の目的を達成する: achieve the objective of one's job
共同の目的を達成する: achieve a joint goal