- inspections related to the disposal of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄に関する決議: resolution concerning the disposal of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄に取り組む: address the destruction of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器を廃棄する: 1. dismantle one's weapons of mass destruction 2. dispose one's weapons of mass destruction 3. eliminate weapons of mass destruction 4. give up one's weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器に関する疑惑を解消する: eradicate concerns related to weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器に関する専門知識の拡散: spread of expertise on weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の配備に関する情報: information about the spread of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器廃絶を達成する: achieve the elimination of all Weapons of Mass Destruction
大量破壊兵器に関する申告書を~に提出する: deliver one's declaration on weapons of mass destruction to
大量破壊兵器の国際査察を拒否する: refuse to accept international inspection of programs suspected of being used to develop weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄: disposing of weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器: 大量破壊兵器 たいりょうはかいへいき weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の廃棄という査察の目的を達成する: achieve the objective of the inspection for disposing weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器の査察と廃棄を求める決議を受諾する: abide by the resolution calling for inspection and elimination of its weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器製造に関して(人)を非難する: accuse someone of manufacturing weapons of mass destruction
大量破壊兵器に接近する: gain access to weapons of mass destruction