長時間過ごす: spend ages doing〔~するのに〕 職場で長い時間過ごす: have long days at work 太陽の下で: 1. below the sun 2. under the sun 刑務所で長期間過ごす: spend long spells in prison 太陽の下で~を見る: see ~ in sunlight 太陽の光の下で: under the rays of the sun 水を飲まずに_時間過ごす: spend __ hours without water しゃく熱の太陽の下で: 1. under a boiling sun 2. under a scorching sun 太陽の下で食事をする: dine in the sunshine 焼け付く太陽の下で: under the scorching [blazing, burning, flaming] sun で長い時間を過ごす: spend much time in 場所で長い時間を過ごす: spend much time in 家より職場で過ごす時間が長い父親の下で育つ: grow up with a father who spent more time at the office than at home 長時間仕事場で過ごす: spend so much time at one's office 長時間会社で過ごす: spend so much time at one's office