- spend so much time at one's office
長時間職場で過ごす: spend so much time at one's office
長時間仕事場にいる: 1. spend an extended period of time at a worksite 2. spend so much time at one's office
長時間会社で過ごす: spend so much time at one's office
長時間過ごす: spend ages doing〔~するのに〕
家より職場で過ごす時間が長い父親の下で育つ: grow up with a father who spent more time at the office than at home
外で過ごす時間を増やす: spend more time outdoors
多くの時間を~で過ごす: spend extensive time in
家で過ごす穏やかな時間: quiet hours spend at home
家で過ごす静かな時間: quiet hours spend at home
仕事場で 1: at work 仕事場で 2 at someone's place of employment〔人の〕
太陽の下で長時間過ごす: spend too much time in the sun
長時間考えて過ごす: spend a lot of time thinking about〔~のことを〕
職場で長い時間過ごす: have long days at work
悩んで過ごす: spend obsessing about〔~に〕
日陰で過ごす: spend time in shaded areas