In the case of a female employee, her children will only be covered for medical expenses providing that her husband is not entitled for any medical benefits from his employee or she is the head of the family.《就業規則》
従業員の雇用通知書に特に指定のない限り、本採用されている全従業員およびその被扶養家族に医療手当および入院手当を支給する。: Unless stated on otherwise in the employee's Employment Letter, medical and hospitalization benefits will be granted to all permanent employee and their dependents.《就業規則》 かなりの給与と従業員手当を支給する: offer a good salary and employee benefits かなりの給料と従業員手当を支給する: offer a good salary and employee benefits 十分な給与と従業員手当を支給する: offer a good salary and employee benefits 十分な給料と従業員手当を支給する: offer a good salary and employee benefits 従業員に住宅手当を支給する: offer employees housing allowances _等級以上の従業員には時間外勤務手当を支給しない。: Employees in Grade __ and above are not eligible for payment of overtime.《就業規則》 既婚女性従業員が流産し、それを医師が証明した場合、流産後_日間の休暇を取ることができる。: In the event of a miscarriage certified by a physician, the married employee will be granted leave for __ days after the occurrence of the miscarriage.《就業規則》 1等級から_等級までのすべての従業員に時間外勤務手当を支給する。: All employees in Grade 1 to Grade __ are eligible for payment of overtime.《就業規則》 月額_ドルの医療特別手当を支給する: provide a special medical allowance of $__ a month 手当を支給する: grant an allowance 男性従業員: male employee 組立作業員に残業手当を支給しない方針: policy of overtime without pay for line workers 医療手当: 1. medical allowance 2. medical treatment 障害者手当と企業負担の医療手当を申請する: file for disability benefits and company-financed medical care