- take a prenatal exercise class during one's pregnancy
妊娠中に妊婦体操の教室に行く: take a prenatal exercise class during one's pregnancy
妊娠中に妊婦体操のクラスに通う: take a prenatal exercise class during one's pregnancy
妊婦体操: 1. exercise for the expectant mother 2. prenatal exercise 3. preparation for childbirth
生け花教室に通う: attend classes on flower arrangement
体操の教本: handbook of physical training
妊娠中に: when one has a baby in one's womb
生理中に妊娠する: get pregnant on one's period
体操の: 【形】 gymnastic
次の教室に移る: go to the next class〔時限ごとに教室を移る学校で〕
その後の妊娠中に: during subsequent pregnancy
以前の妊娠中に: during previous pregnancies
妊娠中に生じる: 1. occur during gestation 2. occur in pregnancy
妊娠中に薬を飲む: take medicines while one is pregnant
妊娠中に起こる: 1. occur during gestation 2. occur in pregnancy
妊娠中に飲酒する: consume alcohol during pregnancy