次のテーマに移る: move on to the next topic 次の問題に移る: move on to the next subject 次の行動に移る: make one's next move 次の話題に移る: turn to the next subject 次の講演に移る: proceed [go on, move on, pass on] to the next speaker [paper] 次の議題に移る: move on to the next subject 妊娠中に妊婦体操の教室に行く: take a prenatal exercise class during one's pregnancy 妊娠中に妊婦体操の教室に通う: take a prenatal exercise class during one's pregnancy 私たちは、馬てい形[u字型]の教室に着席した。: We sat in a horseshoe-shaped classroom. 興味深い人々が自分の教室にいる: have interesting people in one's class 議事日程の次の議案に移る: move on to the next item of the agenda 教室に入る: enter a classroom 人間に移る: pass to humans 他社に移る: leave to take a job at other company〔会社を辞めて〕 外側に移る: be displaced laterally