- until the next bowel movement
排便時に力む: strain at the stool
排便時の出血: bleeding during a bowel movement
排便時の怒責: straining during defecation
排便時の苦痛: discomfort during defecation
夜間の排便: nocturnal stool
排便時にいきむ: strain during a bowel movement
排便時の不快感: discomfort during defecation
時まで: up to the time of〔~の〕
排便時に痛みを感じる: have painful bowel movements
毎回の排便後に: after each bowel movement
週_回未満の排便: fewer than __ bowel movements per week
それまでの排便習慣から大きく変化していることを示す: represent a substantial change from previous patterns
この時まで: by this (time)
何時まで: 何時まで いつまで how long? till when?
何時までに: by what time?