- bleeding during a bowel movement
排便時の怒責: straining during defecation
排便時の苦痛: discomfort during defecation
排便時の不快感: discomfort during defecation
排便時に力む: strain at the stool
排便時にいきむ: strain during a bowel movement
次の排便時まで: until the next bowel movement
排便時に痛みを感じる: have painful bowel movements
多量の出血: serious loss of blood
少量の出血: 1. minor bleeding 2. small amount of bleeding
強膜の出血: scleral hemorrhage
斑状の出血: echymotic hemorrhages
最初の出血: first blood〔ボクシングの試合などで〕
歯肉の出血: bleeding gum
耳孔の出血: auditory meatus bleeding
胃の出血: stomach bleeding