- move on to the next subject
次の話題に移る: turn to the next subject
次の議題に移る: move on to the next subject
それでは次の問題に移りましょう: Now, let's move on to the next question.
次のテーマに移る: move on to the next topic
次の教室に移る: go to the next class〔時限ごとに教室を移る学校で〕
次の行動に移る: make one's next move
次の講演に移る: proceed [go on, move on, pass on] to the next speaker [paper]
別の話題に移る: move on to another subject
新しい話題に移る: move to a new topic
問題の核心に移る: get down to brass tacks
するりと~の話題に移る: smoothly move on to
将来の話題に移る前に: before leaping [I leap] into the future
次の議題に移りましょう。: 1. Let's go [move] to the next subject [topic, item on the agenda]. 2. Shall we move on to a different topic?
議事日程の次の議案に移る: move on to the next item of the agenda
この問題について: 1. about this matter 2. on this subject