- well it turns out it's not only oldtimey british scientists
このように簡単に嫌悪感を感じるのは この古いイギリスの科学者だけではないんです
罪悪感を感じる 1: feel guilty (about [for])〔~という〕 罪悪感を感じる 2 feel guilty with〔人に〕
嫌悪感と怒りを感じる: be repulsed and furious over〔~に〕
嫌悪を感じる 1: find repulsive 嫌悪を感じる 2 feel detestation for〔~に〕
自己嫌悪を感じる: be disgusted with oneself
充実感を感じる: feel fulfilled
挫折感を感じる: get frustrated
満足感を感じる: feel fulfilled
親近感を感じる: feel an affinity with〔~に〕
達成感を感じる: feel fulfilled
違和感を感じる: feel something is wrong
嫌悪感を抱く: 1. feel repulsion (toward) 2. harbor a dislike for 3. nourish a distaste for〔~に〕
強い嫌悪を感じる 1: have a strong feeling of dislike 強い嫌悪を感じる 2 be repulsed by〔~に〕
嫌悪感をなくす: get over one's dislike
嫌悪感を募らせる: develop an irrational aversion to〔人に〕
嫌悪感を打ち消す: counter the revulsion