in 1866 , he went to nagasaki to study western learning . 慶応元年(1866年)、長崎に出て蘭学を修める。
1215 - pursued tendai religious studies under koin at onjo-ji temple . 建保3年(1215年) 園城寺の公胤の元で天台宗教学を修める。
as a youngster , he studied sinology and japanese literature and culture in his hometown . 少年時代、故郷で漢学と国学を修める。
also studied sinology under kindai tojo (died in 1878 at the age of 84 ), an official of jingikan (department of divinities ). また神祇官職員の東條琴臺(明治11年没、年84)に師事して漢学を修める。
in may 1870 , he became a disciple of kanetane hirata (died in 1880 at the age of 82 ) and studied japanese literature and culture . 明治3年(1870年)5月、平田銕胤(明治13年没、年82)門に入り国学を修める。
大学で経済学を修める: get a bachelor's degree in economics 徳を修める: cultivate virtue 技を修める: get hold of techniques of〔~の〕 身を修める: 身を修める みをおさめる to order one's life 学業を修める: 1. follow one's course of study 2. pursue one's studies 成績を修める: → 成績を収める 技芸を修める: cultivate an art 趣味を修める: cultivate a taste for〔~の〕 全課程を修める: pursue a complete course of study 好成績を修める: give a creditable showing 教養課程を修める: pursue a liberal arts course of study 予想外の好成績を修める: compile a better record than expected 修める: 修める おさめる to study to complete (a course) to cultivate to master to order (one's life) to repair (a fault one has committed) 学を窮める: 学を窮める がくをきわめる to study exhaustively 大学をやめる: leave university [college] before graduating [graduation, the completion of one's course]