体全体の健康状態: overall fitness 妊婦の健康状態: maternal health 患者の健康状態: 1. health condition of a patient 2. patient's physical condition 普通の健康状態で: in normal health 精神面の健康状態: mental-health status エイズ関連の健康状態: AIDS-related condition 彼の健康状態は良くない: The condition of his health is not good. 生存者の健康状態の悪化: deteriorating health of survivors ~である〔人の健康状態が〕: 【自動】 do〔be doing well [badly] の形をとる〕 健康状態: 健康状態 けんこうじょうたい (the condition of) one's health 実際の状態: actual state その後、彼女の健康状態は悪い: She has been doing well [poorly] after that. その後、彼女の健康状態は良い: She has been doing well [poorly] after that. その患者の健康状態に深い関心を示す: express deep concern about the health of the patient 下降気味の健康状態を改善する: bolster one's health on the decline