家族に代々伝わる調理法を(人)に教える: share the family recipe with 家族に代々伝わるレシピを(人)に教える: share the family recipe with 家族に伝わる料理法: family recipe 代々伝わる健康法: hand-me-down health tips 家族に伝わる調理法: family recipe 家庭で代々伝わる知識: family lore 代々伝わった: handed down from generation to generation 代々伝える: 1. hand down for generations 2. pass down for generations 3. pass on [down] from generation to generation 自立する方法を(人)に教える: teach someone to stand on his own two feet 学び(人)に教える: learn and teach someone about〔~を〕 道を(人)に教える: 1. show [tell] someone the way (to) 2. show someone the road to〔~への〕 家族に伝わるレシピ: family recipe 起業方法を~に教える: teach start-up business methods to 一人で生きていく方法を(人)に教える: teach someone to stand on his own two feet 一人前になる方法を(人)に教える: teach someone to stand on his own two feet