be likely to face one's toughest fight against〔~に〕
その問題はトラに関して最も厳しい: The problem is most severe with tigers. 最も厳しい制裁: the harshest sanctions 最も厳しい試練: the most deadly test 二段構えでいる: 1. have a contingency plan 2. keep a fallback position その先生は子どもに対してとても厳しい: The teacher is very strict with the kids. 前向きな心構えでいる: have a positive mental attitude 積極的な心構えでいる: have a positive mental attitude 音無しの構えでいる: 1. do nothing and wait for an opportunity 2. say nothing and wait for an opportunity 先駆的な挑戦に挑む: address pioneering challenges とげとげしい訴訟: acrimonious lawsuit 対して最も責任のある人: person most responsible for〔~に〕 世界の最も厳しい排出基準に適合する: adapt to the world's strictest emissions standards 最も厳しい状況からのスタート: start from the severest situation 難しいことに挑む: take on a difficult challenge 難しい試験に挑む: face a tough test