- gloss over one's responsibility for〔~に〕
帳簿をごまかす能力に対する自負心: self-confidence of the ability to juggle accounts
年をごまかす: lie one's age
においをごまかす: disguise a smell
レジをごまかす: cheat on the cash register
事実をごまかす: 1. fudge the fact 2. gloss over facts
会計をごまかす: juggle with the accounts
借金をごまかす: 【自動】 welsh
勘定をごまかす: 1. cook an account 2. cook up a bill 3. juggle the account 4. manipulate accounts 5. wangle account
問題をごまかす: camouflage [muddy] the issue
失策をごまかす: gloss over a blunder
帳尻をごまかす: 1. doctor the accounts 2. falsify an account 3. fiddle the accounts 4. manipulate books
帳簿をごまかす 1: 1. cheat on the books 2. cook one's book 3. doctor the books 4. juggle accounts 5. juggle the books 6. tamper with the accounts 帳簿をごまかす 2 cook the books〔会社?組織などの〕
帳面をごまかす: 帳面をごまかす v. doctor [《略式》cook] the books (見出しへ戻る headword ? 帳面)
年をごまかすな。: Don't fake your age.
年齢をごまかす: 年齢をごまかす v. cheat [lie] about one's age. (見出しへ戻る headword ? ごまかす)