accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week
ほぼ毎日少なくとも_分間の適度な運動を行う: accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week ほぼ毎日少なくとも_分間の適度な運動をする: accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week 少なくとも_分間の適度な運動を習慣化する: accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week 少なくとも_分間の集中的な運動: intensive exercise for at least __ minutes ほぼ毎日少なくとも_分間の中程度の運動を行う: accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week ほぼ毎日少なくとも_分間の中程度の運動をする: accumulate at least __ minutes of moderate activity on most days of the week 毎日の適度な運動: moderate daily exercise 関する必要な広報活動を継続して行う: ongoingly carry out necessary publicity activities on〔~に〕 適度な運動をする: take a moderate amount of exercise 努力を継続して行う: make continued efforts to〔~する〕 一日に少なくとも_分間は運動する: exercise at least __ minutes a day 適度な運動: moderate physical activity 対しまとまった説明を継続して行う: make a coordinated and continuing representation to〔人に〕 週に_回_分間の有酸素運動を行う: do __ minutes of aerobic exercise __ times per week 適度な運動する: 1. get enough exercise 2. take moderate exercise