keep the product on the shelves for at least __ years
少なくとも今後_年間は: at least for the coming __ years 少なくとも_年間は先送りになる: put off by __ years at least 少なくとも_年間は延期される: put off by __ years at least 受注後少なくとも_週間は: at least __ weeks after receiving orders 一日に少なくとも_分間は運動する: exercise at least __ minutes a day 毎晩少なくとも_時間は眠る: sleep at least __ hours a night ~を終えるのに少なくとも_週間はかかる: It will take someone at least __ weeks to finish〔人が〕 少なくとも当分の間は: at least for the time being 少なくとも: 少なくとも すくなくとも at least ~をし終えるのに少なくとも_週間はかかる: It will take someone at least __ weeks to finish〔人が〕 少なくとも_以上_以下: at least __ but no more than __ 少なくとも月に_ドル稼ぐ: make at least $__ per month 少なくとも_人を殺害する: kill at least __ people 閉経後少なくとも_年たつ: be at least __ years past menopause 少なくとも 1: 1. at (a [the]) minimum 2. at least 3. at lowest 4. at the very least 5. if not more 6. if nothing else 7. not less than 少なくとも 2 【副】 1. easy 2. leastwise / leastways 少なくとも 3 if someone is a day〔