Slivers of moonlight filtered down on him from windows high in the roof.
青い月の光が部屋の中へ差し込んでいた: A bluish moonlight was shining into the room. 太陽の光が銀色の車の屋根の上で反射していた: The roof of the silver car reflected the sunlight. 淡い月の光: pale moonlight 屋根の上に登る: go up onto the roof 屋根の上に陣取る: perch on a rooftop 屋根の合間にパタパタと飛んでいく: flutter off among the rooftops 屋根の上から叫ぶ: yell from the roof 屋根の光景: roofscape めかしこんでいる: 1. be dressed (up) to the nines 2. be dressed (up) to the teeth [knocker] 話しこんでいる: be deep in conversation with〔人と〕 屋根の上に大勢集める: draw huge crowds to the rooftops 太陽の光が~に差し込まないようにする: prevent the sun's rays from pouring into 細長いくぼみ: rut 窓から差し込む溢れるほどの光: flood of light coming through the window 雲の間から一筋の日の光が差した: A sunbeam appeared between the clouds.