sue someone for harm done to their health because of factory smoke and exhaust emissions
企業の排煙と車の排ガスと原告の健康被害との因果関係を認める: recognize the relationship between the companies' smoke emissions and the vehicle exhaust fumes and the plaintiffs' health problems 盗みを働いたとして(人)を告訴する: accuse someone of committing the robbery 健康を害して: in poor health 工場排ガス: industrial fume 健康を害した 1: ruined in health 健康を害した 2 【形】 impaired 健康を害したため: owing to ill health 健康を害した結果: result of impaired health 健康を害している: 1. be not well 2. out of health 3. suffer a breakdown in health 過労で健康を害する: impair one's health through overwork 車の排ガス: 1. exhaust emission 2. exhaust that a car generates 3. vehicle fumes 健康を害して倒れる: break down 文書誹毀で(人)を告訴する: sue someone for libel 窃盗の罪で(人)を告訴する: accuse someone of committing the robbery ~のかどで(人)を告訴する: charge someone with 工場の排ガス: factory exhausts