…からの帰りに~に立ち寄る: stop over at ~ on one's way back from 帰り道にスーパーに立ち寄った。: I stopped at a supermarket on the way home. 立ち寄った折りに: when I had occasion to stop off in〔~に〕 帰りにちょっと立ち寄る: drop by on the way home 会社帰りに寄る: stop by on one's way home from work 仕事からの帰りに私の所に寄ってください。: Please drop by my place on your way home from work. 勤め帰りに: on one's way home from work 帰りに 1: 1. on one's way back (from) 2. on one's way home (from)〔~からの〕 帰りに 2 on the way back to〔~までの〕 帰りに~を買う: buy ~ on one's way back 不意に立ち寄った客: drop-in visitors 喫茶店に立ち寄った。: I walked into a coffee shop. 通りがかりに立ち寄る: pop round when someone is passing by 会社から家への帰り道で~に立ち寄る: drop in ~ on one's way home from office 帰り道にコンビニに寄った。: I stopped at a convenience store on my way home. を認めた方がいいだろう: It may as well be admitted that〔that以下〕