帰営太鼓をたたく: beat a tattoo
帰営: 帰営 きえい returning to military duty
太鼓: 太鼓 たいこ drum tambourine
帰営ラッパ: 1. call to quarters 2. tattoo
帰営時刻: curfew
帰営遅刻: absence without leave〔 【略】 AWOL〕
和太鼓: 和太鼓 わたいこ わだいこ Japanese drum
大太鼓: 大太鼓 おおだいこ large or bass drum
太鼓判: 太鼓判 たいこばん metaphorical seal of approval
太鼓橋: 太鼓橋 たいこばし arched bridge
太鼓腹: 太鼓腹 たいこばら potbelly paunch
太鼓隊: drum corps
小太鼓: 小太鼓 こだいこ small drum
楽太鼓: Japanese drum
櫓太鼓: 櫓太鼓 やぐらだいこ drums which announce the opening of a stage performance or commencement of sumo bouts the sound produced by such drums