- We are going to knock around a bit before going back home.
ちょっとそこらの: just down the way
ちょっとそこまで: have to see a man about a dog
私に怒りをぶつける前に、ちょっと聞いて: Now before you go off on me, just listen to me for a moment.
ちょっとそこ道あけて。: Clear the crosswalk.
そこら辺で: in [at] some place
そこら辺り: in those parts
ちょっとそこまでお茶をしにいく: come round the corner for coffee
ちょっとそこまでの用事には: on short errands
ちょっとそこまで散歩に出る: step out for a short walk
ちょっと前に: 1. a little while back 2. a spell ago 3. a while ago 4. shortly before
庭をぶらつく: 1. ramble in the garden 2. run about in the garden
町をぶらつく: 1. promenade about the town 2. roam around the town 3. wander about the town 4. wander around the town
街をぶらつく: 1. lounge about the streets 2. ramble about the streets 3. wander around the city
ぶらつき: wobble
私はちょっと前に着きました。: I just got here a minute ago.