喜びに全身が震える: tremble all over with ecstasy 喜悦に全身が震える: tremble all over with ecstasy 嫌悪に全身が震える: tremble all over with hatred 怒りに全身が震える: tremble all over with anger 恍惚に全身が震える: tremble all over with ecstasy 恐怖に全身が震える: tremble all over with fright 憎しみに全身が震える: tremble all over with hatred 憎悪に全身が震える: tremble all over with hatred 憤りに全身が震える: tremble all over with anger 期待に全身が震える: tremble all over with anticipation 興奮に全身が震える: tremble all over with excitement 非常に醜い〔目が痛むほど〕: 【形】 hurting〈米俗〉 全身が痛みにどっぷり浸かっている: be steeped in pain [suffering] ここが痛む: have a pain here 体中が痛む: ache all over