promote the settlement of disputes by peaceful means
平和的手段によって紛争を解決する: settle the dispute through peaceful means 国際紛争を平和的手段によって解決する: settle one's international disputes by peaceful means 平和的手段を通じて国際紛争を解決する: resolve an international conflict through peaceful means 平和的手段によって解決する: be settled by peaceful means 論争を平和的手段で解決する: solve one's disputes by peaceful means 平和的手段でその問題を解決する: solve the problem by peaceful means 国際紛争を解決する手段: 1. as means of settling international conflicts 2. means of settling international disputes 平和的手段による~への包括的解決策を模索する: seek by peaceful means a comprehensive solution to 地域紛争を平和的に解決する: achieve pacific settlement of local disputes 紛争の平和的解決を推進する: promote peaceful resolution of disputes 地域紛争を解決する効果的な手段: effective means of settling regional conflicts 戦争を平和的に解決する: lead a war to a peaceful resolution 論争を平和的に解決する: solve one's disputes by peaceful means ab間の紛争を解決する: compose the conflict between A and B アフリカ紛争を解決する: resolve the African conflicts