- draw wide media attention
マスコミの注目を集める: receive publicity
多くのマスコミの注目を集める: receive a great deal of press attention
マスコミからたくさんの注目を集める: get a lot of media attention
広く世間の注目を集める: receive a great deal of public attention
広く国民の注目を集める: receive a great deal of public attention
広く注目を集める: 1. attract widespread attention 2. garner wide attention 3. receive widespread attention
かなりの注目を集める: 1. command considerable attention 2. gain much attention
みんなの注目を集める: 1. attract all the attention 2. dominate the landscape 3. have all the attention
メディアの注目を集める: 1. attract media attention 2. garner media attention 3. get media attention focused 4. pull in media attention
一般の注目を集める: arouse the public's notice
世界の注目を集める: 1. attract world attention 2. catch the world's attention
世界中の注目を集める: attract a heap of attention worldwide
世間の注目を集める: 1. attract public attention 2. come to public attention 3. gain public attention 4. gain the attention of the public 5. get all the publicity 6. raise one's national profile
人々の注目を集める: 1. command public attention 2. gain public attention
全国の注目を集める: attract nationwide attention