- She was rightly acquitted of the charge.
当然のことながら。: 1. It should be appreciated that 2. It should be realized that 3. It should be understood that 4. It will be appreciated that 5. It will be realized that 6. It will be understood that 7. It's reason
さらに当然のことながら。: It also will be understood that
同様に当然のことながら。: It should also be appreciated that
当然のことながら 1: 1. as a matter of course 2. as is obvious 3. as will be understood 4. not surprisingly 当然のことながら 2 【副】 understandably 当然のことながら。 1. It should be appreciated that 2. It should be realized that 3.
無罪を言い渡す: acquit someone of the charge
当然のことながら、たいていの大学が学生連合費を請求してくる: Most colleges, as a matter of course, charge for student union fees.
当然のことながら調査結果に満足していない: be understandably dissatisfied with the findings
即日解雇を言い渡される: be dismissed on the spot
実刑を言い渡される: be handed prison terms
終身刑を言い渡される: 1. be given a life sentence 2. receive life in prison
解雇通知を言い渡される: be given a [one's] pink slip
_%の減給を言い渡される: be handed __% salary reductions
当然のことを言う: state the obvious
そのことについて: in that regard
そのことについては、ホットチョコを飲みながら相談しよう: Let's talk about it over a hot chocolate.