- Most colleges, as a matter of course, charge for student union fees.
当然のことながら。: 1. It should be appreciated that 2. It should be realized that 3. It should be understood that 4. It will be appreciated that 5. It will be realized that 6. It will be understood that 7. It's reason
当然のことながら調査結果に満足していない: be understandably dissatisfied with the findings
さらに当然のことながら。: It also will be understood that
同様に当然のことながら。: It should also be appreciated that
当然のことながら 1: 1. as a matter of course 2. as is obvious 3. as will be understood 4. not surprisingly 当然のことながら 2 【副】 understandably 当然のことながら。 1. It should be appreciated that 2. It should be realized that 3.
交通費を請求した。: I billed my company for my transportation expenses.
当然のこととして: 【副】 righteously
当然のこと: par for the course
毎年のことながら: although it is a yearly occurrence
極めて当然なことながら: pretty much by definition
東京への出張の旅費を請求したいんだけど、どの用紙を使えばいいのかな?: Do you know which form I use so I can get reimbursed for my trip to Tokyo?《ビジネス》
当然のことだ: be not so much a question of〔~は〕
「お月様はどうしてずっと僕についてくるの?」「トミーのことが好きだから、ずっと一緒にいたいのよ」: "Why is the moon following us?" "He likes you, so he wants to be with you all the time."〔子→母(夜、車に乗っていて)〕
人件費を請求することなく: without charge for labor
気取りながら歩いてくる: come sashaying up