When writing, he often consults his thesaurus for synonyms.
分類語彙辞典: thesaurus 俗語をよく使う: 【形】 slangy 字を書くときに使う手: writing hand 頭をよく使う: work one's mind hard 研究論文を書くための資料を探す: find references for research paper 母国語よりも英語をよく使う: use English more than one's first language お金をよく使う人: good spender カードや手紙を書くときに気を使う: care into writing on a card or a letter 物語を書くときには想像力を働かせなさい: Use your imagination when you write stories. 茶色と黒をよく使う: use a lot of brown and black 気持ちよく眠れる姿勢を探すのに苦労する: have trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position 作文を書く: 1. make an essay 2. write a composition 3. write a theme 4. write an essay 名文を書く: 1. be a good writer 2. have a fine style 3. write a fine style 悪文を書く: have a bad written style 散文を書く: write prose