- He is in debt up to his ears.
借金で首が回らないでいる: be in a quagmire of debt
借金で首が回らない: 1. be deeply in debt 2. be drowning in debt 3. be head over heels in debt 4. be in hock up to one's ears [neck] 5. be over head and ears in debt 6. be up to one's ears in debt 7. up to one's neck in
窮地に陥っている: 1. be in desperate straits 2. have one's back against [to] the wall 3. have the rope about one's neck
借金で首が回らなくなる: 1. get deeper and deeper in debt 2. get too heavily in debt
絶望的な窮地に陥っている: be in a hopeless plight
借金で首がまわらない: 1. be chin deep in debt 2. be in debt up to one's ears 3. be in debt up to one's neck 4. be involved in debt 5. deep in debt
借金で首がまわらない状態である: be in debt up to one's neck
不運に陥っている: be in an evil plight
危険に陥っている: be in deep doo-doo
困難に陥っている: be enmeshed in difficulties
悲境に陥っている: in adverse condition
混乱に陥っている: be mired in confusion
苦境に陥っている: 1. be going through changes 2. be in a tough spot
のっぴきならない状態に陥っている: be for it
これまでのところ、彼女との連絡がつかない状態になっている: There has been no contact so far with her.