困難な時期を切り抜ける: weather a difficult time 困難な時期を切り抜けるのを助ける: help someone through this difficult time〔人が〕 彼らの結婚生活は破たん寸前だ: Their marriage is nearly on the rocks. はったりで困難な状況を切り抜ける: bluff it out 困難を切り抜ける: 1. cope with difficult times 2. cope with difficulties 3. get around a difficulty 4. get over (the) difficulties 5. go through trouble 6. help oneself 7. reach [get to] smooth water 8. survive [ride困難な時期をしのぐ: weather a difficult time 困難な時期: 1. difficult time 2. testing period 3. tough sledding 勇気があって困難を切り抜けた人: courageous survivor 彼らはその襲撃を切り抜けた: They coped with the onslaught. 困難な時期に: at a difficult time 20年後、彼らの結婚生活から自発性が消えていった: After 20 years, the spontaneity had gone out of their marriage. 私の結婚生活は幸せじゃなかった: My married life was not happy.〔 【誤】 My marriage was not happy.〕 多くの困難な時期を経験する: experience many bumpy times 経済的に困難な時期を経験する: go through a rough spell financially 財政的に困難な時期を経験する: go through a rough spell financially