- They handed Billy over to the police.
武器を警察に引き渡す: surrender a weapon to police
身柄を警察に引き渡す: turn someone over to the police〔人の〕
警察に引き渡す 1: turn up 警察に引き渡す 2 1. give someone in charge 2. give someone over to the police 3. propel someone into the hands of the law 4. turn someone over to the cops〔人を〕 警察に引き渡す 3 turn in〔犯人を〕
彼は、彼女を母親に引き渡した。: He delivered her up to her mother.
買主に引き渡しを行う: tender delivery to the buyer
警察官に引き渡される: be handed over to police officers
再引き渡し: second deliverance
引き渡し: 引き渡し ひきわたし delivery handing over turning over extradition
不法入国容疑で(人)を警備部門に引き渡す: hand someone over to the enforcement division for suspicion of illegal entry
…に引き渡す: 1. give up ~ to 2. hand ~ over to 3. pass ~ on to 4. turn over ~ to〔~を〕
銃を警察に届ける: hand a gun over to the police
彼らは私を宗教の議論に引き込もうとした: They tried to suck me into a religious discussion.
明記されたとおり、弊社は船積書類を取引銀行に引き渡しました: As stipulated, we have delivered the shipping documents to our bank.
内部引き渡し: internal deliveries
分割引き渡し: installment delivery