- surrender a weapon to police
身柄を警察に引き渡す: turn someone over to the police〔人の〕
警察に引き渡す 1: turn up 警察に引き渡す 2 1. give someone in charge 2. give someone over to the police 3. propel someone into the hands of the law 4. turn someone over to the cops〔人を〕 警察に引き渡す 3 turn in〔犯人を〕
彼らはビリーを警察に引き渡した: They handed Billy over to the police.
武器を引き渡す: hand over one's weapon
…に引き渡す: 1. give up ~ to 2. hand ~ over to 3. pass ~ on to 4. turn over ~ to〔~を〕
不法入国容疑で(人)を警備部門に引き渡す: hand someone over to the enforcement division for suspicion of illegal entry
…の手に引き渡す: deliver ~ into the hands of〔~を〕
会議を~に引き渡す: turn the meeting over to
刑務所に引き渡す: consign someone to prison〔人を〕
当局に引き渡す: deliver someone to the authorities〔人を〕
権力を~に引き渡す: give up (one's) power to
首謀者を~に引き渡す: turn over a mastermind to
警察へ(人)を引き渡す: hand over someone to the police
武器と弾薬を引き渡す: surrender one's weapons and ammunition
その遺体を(人)に引き渡す: return the remains to