- They will either be in a state of lager-fueled elation, or lager-fueled depression.
重苦しい雰囲気の演説: somber speech
重苦しい雰囲気: 1. gloomy atmosphere 2. heavy atmosphere 3. oppressive air 4. oppressive atmosphere 5. somber atmosphere
あるいは~かのどちらかだ: either that, or
酒の勢いによる: 【形】 lager-fueled〔 【直訳】 ビールで刺激された〕
非常に重苦しい雰囲気である: you [one] could cut it [the air, the atmosphere] with a knife
雰囲気に包まれた: packed in the atmosphere of〔~の〕
堅苦しい雰囲気: 1. formal atmosphere 2. sombre mood
その作家の明るい性格は彼女の作品の重苦しい雰囲気とは対照的だ: The writer's happy personality contrasts with her dark works.
重苦しい深夜の雰囲気: stodgy late-night feeling
明るい雰囲気: 1. bright note 2. upbeat atmosphere 3. upbeat mood
影のせいで閉ざされた雰囲気に包まれる: become cloaked in a reclusive mood from the shadow of〔~の〕
楽しい雰囲気の中で: in an enjoyable atmosphere
楽しい雰囲気: 1. delightful atmosphere 2. happy atmosphere 3. joyful atmosphere 4. pleasing ambience 5. upbeat mood
明るい雰囲気で: on a happy note
炎に包まれる: 1. be engulfed in flames 2. be enveloped in flames 3. be wrapped in flames 4. become engulfed in flames