The writer's happy personality contrasts with her dark works.
重苦しい雰囲気: 1. gloomy atmosphere 2. heavy atmosphere 3. oppressive air 4. oppressive atmosphere 5. somber atmosphere 重苦しい雰囲気の演説: somber speech 明るい雰囲気: 1. bright note 2. upbeat atmosphere 3. upbeat mood 明るい雰囲気で: on a happy note 非常に重苦しい雰囲気である: you [one] could cut it [the air, the atmosphere] with a knife 堅苦しい雰囲気: 1. formal atmosphere 2. sombre mood 暗い雰囲気から明るい雰囲気に変える: change the mood from dark to bright 持ち前の明るい性格: one's naturally cheerful character 明るい性格: sunny disposition 彼らは酒の勢いによる高揚感か、あるいは重苦しい雰囲気のどちらかに包まれるだろう: They will either be in a state of lager-fueled elation, or lager-fueled depression. 重苦しい深夜の雰囲気: stodgy late-night feeling 彼の大きく重々しい体は、小柄な妻とは対照的だった: His ponderous bulk was in contrast to his petite wife. その作家の最後の2作品は未完成のままだ: The author's last 2 works are left by halves. 楽しい雰囲気: 1. delightful atmosphere 2. happy atmosphere 3. joyful atmosphere 4. pleasing ambience 5. upbeat mood その作家の文学歴の頂点: meridian of the writer's literary career