- The onus is on you to talk to her since she won't listen to me.
あなたが彼女に全くふさわしくないなんて決して言いませんよ。: I would never say you weren't as good a person as she is.
弁護士が彼女に質問をすると、彼女の話はくずれ始めた: Her story began to fall apart when the lawyer questioned her.
あなたが私に同意しなくとも、少なくとも私の話は聞いてほしい: Even if you disagree with me, I expect you at least to listen to me.
彼女は買い物を抑えるべきだ。さもないと破産するだろう: She should pull in when shopping otherwise she'll go bankrupt.
彼女には私の本性を知られてしまったから、私は屈服するしかない: She got me dead to rights so I had no option but to give in.
あなたが彼女と言い争い始めたとき、彼女はカンカンに怒っていた: She was (as) mad as a wet hen [beaver, maggot] when you started to argue with her.
彼女の話は私のと同じです: Her story is the same as mine.
別に構わないわ。もし会社の人たちに会ったら、あなたは私の彼氏だって言うわよ。あなた結婚指輪してないから、既婚者だって分からないだろうし。: I don't care. If I meet them, I'll tell them you are my boyfriend. You are not wearing a wedding band, so they won't know that you are married.
あなた方二人のどちらかがその後彼女に話をしましたか?: Did either of you talk to her about it afterwards?
ボスは私の話を厳しく批判するだろう: My boss will make sushi out of your story.
あなたが何を料理しようと、彼は好まないだろう: Whatever you may cook, he will never like it.
「彼女を助ければよかった… もし自分より先に彼女を助けていれば、彼女は助かっただろうに」「自分を責めるのはやめなさい。あなただって被害者なんだから。あの事故は相手が悪かったの、あなたじゃないのよ」: "I should have helped her... If I'd helped her before myself, she would have survived." "Don't blame yourself. You were the victim, too. The accident was caused by another driver, not you."〔自動車事故〕
私が彼女に話し掛けると、彼女は話しの途中で歩み去ってしまう: When I speak to her, she walks away in mid-sentence.
彼女は男性の話をするときだけ生き生きとしゃべる: She only talks animatedly when discussing men.
じゃああなたは、彼女はすべてが終わるまで待って、それから自分の本でも書くだろうって思ってるわけ? つまり……。: So do you think that she'll wait until it's over and then she'll write her book? You know, I mean ...