The analogy comparing her to an elephant was insulting.
私なら彼女を聖母マリアに例える: I would compare her to the Virgin Mary. …に例える: liken ~ to〔~を〕 花に例える: compare someone to a flower〔人を〕 甚だしい侮辱: 1. deep contempt 2. gross affront 3. gross insult aをbに例える: compare A to B 自分を~に例える: liken oneself to 世間知らずも甚だしい: be extremely naive to〔~するなどは〕 思い違いも甚だしい: have ~ all wrong〔~について〕 時代錯誤も甚だしい人: an outrageous anachronism 時代錯誤も甚だしい物: an outrageous anachronism 眠りを死に例える: compare sleep to death 両親はアンの通信簿を見て、彼女をこっぴどくしかった: When Ann's parents saw her report card, they really chewed her out. ゾウに乗る: ride an elephant 演じた役柄に例える: liken to the character portrayed by〔人が〕 経済を病人に例える: liken the economy to a sick man