痛風発作: 1. attacks of gout 2. gouty attack 肺に瘢痕化が生じた患者: patient with pulmonary [pulmonic] scarring 患者に~が生じやすくなる: predispose a patient to developing〔主語によって〕 急性の痛み: acute pain 急性の発作: acute attack 急性の患者: acute case 急性あるいは慢性の痛みの患者を扱う: treat patients with acute and chronic pain 努力の結果~が生じた: have something to show for it 必要が生じたとき: when the necessity arises 必要が生じたら: 1. if the occasion arises 2. should the occasion arise 浮き泡が生じた池: scummy pond 痛みが生じた時に: at the onset of pain _%の患者に生じる: occur in __% of the patients 万一必要が生じたら: if the need should arise 万一破損が生じたときは: should there be any breakage